ponedeljek, 12. februar 2018

Namig no. 2

Pozdravljen bralec in bralka v novem namigu tedna. Prejšnji teden je bila odskočna deska za vse nove namige, ki sledijo.

V današnjem namigu bom predstavil zanimiv dogodek, ki se dogaja na mojem domačem hribu. Gre za dogodek imenovan 8 ur Slivnice, ki bo prihajajoči vikend in sicer 17.2.2018 s startom ob 8.00 uri. Letos poteka že petič in glede na odzive, mislim, da bo to postala tradicija. Predvidevam, da večina že pozna ta dogodek, morda pa kdo ne in se bi mu to zdela dobra ideja za popestritev dneva. Gre za tek oziroma hojo iz Cerknice na Slivnico in nazaj dol, ter zopet gor in tako naprej, vseh 8 ur. Dolžina je 3,5 km in približno 500 višinskih metrov, na startu in cilju sta okrepčevalnici z različnimi dobrotami. Na koncu je potrebno seveda narediti samo še zadnji vzpon, ker se zadeva zaključi na vrhu. Trenutni rekord je 11 vzponov.
Vem, da ja za konkreten trening za to že prepozno, je pa zelo zabavno v pisani druščini isto mislečih.

Tako, da nič ne oklevat, skoči na spletno stran 8 ur Slivnice kjer najdeš vse potrebne informacije in tudi obrazec za prijavo.

To je bil namig tega tedna. Prosim, pusti komentar spodaj. Do naslednjič.

Hello dear readers in this week clue. Last week was a jumping start for all new clues.

In todays clue, i'll present you a interesting event, which it takes part in my hometown hill. It is called The 8 hours of Slivnica and it will take part in upcoming weekend on the 17th of february, 2018 with a start at 8'o clock in the morning. This year is the fifth edition and based on the response of the competitors, the event will became a tradicion. I suppose that many of you known the event, but someone do not, so the event will be an interesting thing to do. The point of this is a run or a hike from Cerknica up to Slivnica, and then go back down and again up, all this in the limits of 8th hours. Length of the trail is 3,5 km 82 miles) and approximatley 500 altitude meters (1640 ft) to pass. On the start and finish are two refresmentf points with a different goods to eat. The last time, the ascent is what counts, because the end is at the top. The record is 11 ascents at this moment.
I know, that for a real trainning is a bit to late, but on the event is much fun with a company of same mindset.

So, don't hessitate an click to web page 8 hours of Slivnica where you'll find all the informations and registration.

That was this weeks clue. Please leave a comment below. Untill next time.

8 ur Slivnice

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