ponedeljek, 12. marec 2018

Namig no. 6

Pozdravljeni dragi bralci v tem novem tednu, ki prinaša nov namig in nova znanja. Današnji 
namig je motivacijske narave, kjer bom navedel nekaj malih citatov svetovno znanega moža po imenu Bill Gates in mislim, da ne potrebuje posebne predstavitve. Danes pa nujno prebrat ves sestavek, saj se nekje skriva nagradna igra, kjer bom oddal zanimivo reč.

Bil Gates je optimist. Je vizionar. Je poslovnež. Je človekoljub. Pa še marsikaj bi se našlo.

Kaj pravi o vodenju zaposlenih:
Ljudje igrajo računalniške igrice v službi, a poleg tega čečkajo s svinčniki. Jim zato vzamete svinčnike? Sodobne delovne sile ne vodimo na ta način. Ljudem moramo zaupati.

Kaj o tveganju:
Ko moraš tvegati, je potrebno malce slepote. Pregnati moraš dvom in reči: „Lotili se bomo tega nepreverjenega izdelka. Potrudimo se po najboljših močeh.“

Kaj o napakah:
Na začetku smo naredili veliko korakov v napačno smer. Ker smo bili med prvimi, smo morali narediti več napak od drugih.

Sedaj pa nagradna igra. Podarjam knjigo Neučakani optimist – Bil Gates s svojimi besedami. Da dobiš knjigo je potrebno storiti naslednje. Malce pobrskaj po spletu ali kje drugje in najdi kak zanimiv citat od Bill-a Gates ter ga napiši spodaj v komentar. Med vsemi bom izžrebal enega ali eno, ki bo dobil knjigo. Časa pa je do naslednjega namiga.

Neučakani optimist - Bill Gates s svojimi besedami

Kaj pravi o uporabnikih:
Vaše najbolj nezadovoljne stranke so vaš najboljši vir učenja.

IT kot panoga:
Ta panoga se hitro spreminja in nihče nima zajamčenega položaja. Naš položaj mi je bolj všeč od drugih, a nikakor ni zajamčen.

Pa smo skupaj prišli do konca namiga tega tedna. Namig tega tedna nam daje upanje in smer, da smo vsi optimisti in moramo gledati v prihodnost, se učiti na naših napakah in nikoli ne odnehati.

Do naslenjič.

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Hello dear readers in this weeks clue, which brings new a new clue and a new knowledge. Todays clue has a motivational touch, where i'll let you know some quotes from a wolrd known man Bill Gates and i thik that he doesn't need some special presentation. Todays reading is a must, because there is a prize winning contest.

Biil Gates is an optimist. He is a visionary. He is a buisnessman. He is philantropist. And some more of that not to mention.

What he says about employee managment:
Peple plays video games at work, but beside that, they doodle with pencils. So, you take away their pencils? You can't leed modern work force in that way. They must be trusted.

What about risk:
When you have to take a risk, you must be a little bit blind. You must dispel the doubt and say: „We'll take on this untested product. Lets do our best.“

What about mistakes:
In the beginning we took a lots of steps in the wrong direction. Because we was the first, we had to make a many more mistakes than others.

And now the contest. I'll give away a free book caled Impatient optimist – Bill Gates in his own words (Slovenian version). If you want a book, you have to do these steps. Go online or somwhere else and find some interesting quote from Bill Gates. Than post it in the comment section. Among all the comment, i'll take a draw and one of you will get the book. You have time untill next clue.

Impatient optimist – Bill Gates in his own words

What about users:
Your most unsetisfied costumers are the best learning source.

IT as industry:
This industry changes a lot and no one has guaranteed job position.I like our position better, but certainly not guaranteed.

So we came to the end of this weeks clue. This weeks clue give us hope and guidance that all of us are optimists and we must look in the future, learn on our mistakes and never give up.

Untill next time

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