torek, 5. junij 2018

Namig no. 15

Pozdravljeni dragi bralci v novem namigu tedna. Novi namigi se širijo, nove ideje se porajajo in nov krog bralcev prihaja.

Današnji namig bo povsem naraven. Sicer povečini tabu tema, a povsem naraven. Govora bo o hrani. A o tisti predelani. Že ta namig je današnji namig.

Ko izvajamo dolge aktivnosti v naravi moramo seveda nadomestiti izgubljene kalorije. Te kalorije je seveda najbolje nadomestiti s hrano in pijačo (a je še kakšen način?). A hrana ima svoj naraven proces. Pregovor, „Kar gre notri, mora iti tudi ven“ še kar drži. Ko pride trenutek, ko moraš iti, pač moraš iti, druge izbire ni.

Najprej nekaj kratkih nasvetov. Če je možnost opravi potrebo še pred začetkom aktivnosti ali startom tekme. Pomagaj si z naravnimi odvajali kot je kava. Ko si pakiraš svoj nahrbtnik, ne pozabi vzeti nekaj lističev toaletnega papirja.

Ko opravljaš potrebo v naravi, pa je tu nekaj nasvetov. Pojdi čim dlje stran iz poti kot je mogoče, a ne predaleč. Pazi se trnja in raznih toksičnih rastlin. Pred potrebo izkoplji majhno luknjo, najbolje s peto čevlja, počepni, odvrzi tovor v njo in pokrij z listjem ali vejicami. Ne pozabi si še prej sleči hlač.

Priporočljivo je, da pustiš kakšno svojo stvar ko je bidon za vodo ali majico na točki, kjer si zapustil pot. V primeru, da kam padeš, se izgubiš ali podobno, bodo drugi vedeli, kje začeti iskati.

Čudoviti gozd - vsepovsod ideje.

Stvar pa postane resna, če nimaš s seboj ali, če si porabil ves toaletni papir. Kaj storiti sedaj? Narava ponuja nešteto alternativnih možnosti. Listje različnih dreves je odlično nadomestilo za to. Če je možnost, potrebo opravimo poleg vode in ne vanjo. Seveda na primerni razdalji, da se voda ne kontaminira. Po tem si seveda svojo tazadnjo samo umijemo. Mah je tudi dobra alternativa, saj je mehek in moker, tako da očisti in obenem opere. Odlična izbira je tudi trava. Če je je malo mokra od jutranje rose, je učinek isti kot pri mahu. Če si izberemo kamenje, pazimo da ni ostro. Če res ni kaj drugega, bo kamenje tudi dobro. Razne veje ali vejice res niso ne vem kaj izbira, a če ni drugega bo tudi to ok. Česar bi se jaz izogibal so pesek, zemlja in seveda divjih živali.

Malce čuden namig, a vseeno nič kaj nenavaden.

Do naslednjič.

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Hello dear readers in new clue of the week. New clues are coming, new ideas are spreading and new circle of readers keep on coming.

Today clues will be totally natural. Well, mostly a tabu topic, but totally natural. We will be talking about food. But the processed one. This hint is for today clue.

When we are doing long activities in nature, we must replenish the calories that we loose. Those calories is best replenish with food and drink (is there another way?). But food has his natural process. A quote "What goes in, must go out" is true. When that moment comes, when you have to go, you have to go. 

First some quick tips. If it is possible, do that thing before start of the training or a race. Help yourself with natural laxatives like coffee. When you pack you backpack, don't forget to pack some toilet paper. 

When you are going to do that thing in great outdoors, here is some quick tips. Go as far away from the path as possible but not too far. Watch out for torn and poisonous plants. Before you start, dig a small hole, best with a heel of your shoe, do a squat, dump the cargo and cover a pile wit leaves or sticks. Don't forget to put your pants down first.

It is recommended that you mark the spot where you left the path with a water bottle or a shirt. In the case that you fell, get lost or something, others will know, where to begin search.

Beautiful forest - ideas everywhere

Things are getting serious, when you don't have or you wasted all the toilet paper. What to do? Nature offers a wast of alternative options. Leaves from different trees is a great substitute. If there is option do a thing beside a water and not in water. But take a proper distance, that water doesn't get contaminated. After that you just wash you behind. Forest moss is a great alternative, because it cleans and washes your behind. Great choice is grass. If it is wet from the morning dew, the effect is the same as moss. If we pick the rock, watch out for smooth surface. If there is nothing else, a rock will do the job. Different kind of stick are quite OK. What I would avoid are sand, dirt and wild animals.

Today was little bit strange, but nothing unusual. 

Until next time.

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