ponedeljek, 11. junij 2018

Namig no. 16

Dolgi dnevi še ne pomenijo, da bomo pred nočjo doma in če nismo pred nočjo doma, smo brez ustrezne svetilke najebali. Sploh če se nahajamo v gozdu ali v podobnem poraščenem svetu. Današnji namig bo o tem, kako se gibati po gozdovih ponoči, če nimamo s seboj svetilke. Če že nimamo s seboj svetilke, ponavadi imamo prenosni telefon. A kaj storiti, če tudi tega nimamo?

Mislim, da nisem edini, ki se je kdaj podal na daljšo pot, z mislimi, da bom pred nočjo doma. A glej ga zlomka, sem se presneto zmotil. Vsa preklinjanja in bemtenja zakaj nisem vzel svetilke s seboj so bila čisto brezpredmetna. No, dovolj o meni. Lotimo se današnje teme. 

Največ kar lahko naredimo je, da ohranimo mirno kri in ne paničarimo. Še preden se stemni je dobro, da se povzpnemo malo višje in si ogledamo teren. Pomembno je, sploh če ne poznamo terena, da vemo v kakšnem svetu se gibljemo. Ali bo pred nami kako prepadno ozemlje, bo vzpon, spust, itd... 

Naš razgled ponoči v gozdu.

Ko si enkrat še pred temo ogledamo teren, si približno naredimo pot, kam moramo iti. Če vidimo v daljavi kakšne luči, je najbolje, da se usmerimo tja. Upamo, da samo ne doživimo kakega prizora iz filma "Hiša voščenih lutk"ali "Napačen odsek" in najhuje, da ne postanemo glavni igralci filma "Čarovnica iz Blaira". Ko smo enkrat v temi v gozdu, ne vidimo nič pred seboj. Gibljemo se počasi in previdno. Vsa naša hitrost, moč in kondicijska pripravljenost nam tu ne pomaga kaj dosti. Gibljemo se mirno, stopamo predse, previdno. Roke imamo pred seboj, da si zavarujemo glavo in tipamo, da začutimo oviro pred seboj. 

Če smo na cesti oziroma na makadamski cesti, ostanimo na njej in se gibljemo naprej. Gozdne ceste ponavadi vodijo izven gozda. Problem je, če naletimo na slepo cesto, ki se ponavadi nadaljuje v vlako. A če smo v temi, težko vidimo v kaj se nadaljuje. Ko pridemo do križišča se moramo odločiti v katero smer iti. Če gre cesta navzdol, še ne pomeni, da nas bo odpeljala iz hriba, saj lahko kje zavije nazaj navzgor. 

Če naletimo na potok ali reko, se gibljemo ob njej, saj voda po gravitacijskem načelu teče navzdol, nižje pa so ponavadi naselja. (jebemu, tu se že slišim kot Bear Grylls).

To je to za današnji namig. Upam, da bo kdaj v pomoč.

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Long days doesn't mean that we'll be home by night and if we are not home until night, we are fucked up without light. Specially if we are in a forest or a similar overgrown world. Today hint will be about how to move at night, if we don't have a light by our side. If we don't have a light, maybe we have a phone. But what to do if we don't have none?

I think i'm not the only one that gone on a longer path, thinking that i'll be home before night. But i was dam wrong. All the cursing and swearing for why i didn't bring a light with me were pointless. Well enough about me. Let's get on the subject. 

In the situation is the best what we can do is don't panic and stay calm. Before it's get dark, it is fine that we go on higher ground and take a look on the terrain. That is important, if we don't know the terrain and we don't know on what kind of terrain we are in. If there is a cliff before us, will be ascent or descent, etc...

Our view in the forest at night.

When we take a look at the terrain before it gets dark, we take an escape plan, where we are going. If we see a light on the horizon, we go there. Let's just hope that we don't end up in a movie like "House of wax" or "Wrong turn" and we are not the main actors in movie "Blair witch project". When we are in the woods in the dark, we can't see anything. We move slowly and carefully. All our speed and stamina doesn't help us here. We take slow and careful step by step. We have our hands in front of us, to protect our head and to feel the obstacle in front of us.

If we are on the road or on the forest path, we stay on there and keep moving. Forest path usually leads out of the forest. The problem occurs if we hit on the blind road, which continue on the trail. But if we are in the dark, we can't see for what kind of trail is ahead. When we hit the crossroad, we must decide which direction to go. If the road is descending, that doesn't mean that we will be descending along. Maybe there is a turn back up.

If we hit on a stream or a river, we move along, because on the gravitational principle, the water runs downhill and on lower grounds are rural areas (fuck, i sound like Bear Grylls).

This is all for this week clue. I hope that will help.

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