ponedeljek, 26. februar 2018

No. 4

Pozdravljen dragi bralec in draga bralka v novem namigu tedna. Današnji namig bo bolj praktične narave, saj se bomo naučili kako pravilno izbrati cepin. Mnogi so me že spraševali, kateri cepin je zame. Prvi odgovor je zakaj se bo uporabljal in nato katero dolžino izbrati.
Poznamo tri vrste cepinov; klasični, kombinirani in plezalni.


Kot kaže slika spodaj, ima klasični cepin ravno ali rahlo ukrivljeno ratišče. Ratišče je celotna „palica“ od ročaja, do spoja s klinom. Ravno ratišče se uporablja za dostope na vrhove v zimskih razmerah, za prečenja ledenikov in pomoč pri prečenju snežišč poleti. Ratišče je ponavadi okroglo ali jajčaste oblike zaradi boljšega oprijema, to je seveda odvisno od proizvajalca. Na dnu ratišča je ostra konica, ki pomaga, da se cepin bolje zapiči v sneg. Na vrhu se nahaja klin z lopatico. Klin pri klasičnem cepinu ni preveč agresivno ukrivljen zaradi same uporabe in tudi zaradi ustavljanja s cepinom. Lopatica na drugem koncu klina pa je namenjena za kopanje v sneg. Klasični cepini so različnih dolžin, saj je vsak uporabnik različno visok. Poleg cepina je ponavadi priložena zanka, ki si jo ovijemo okrog zapestja, da ne izgubimo ali izpustimo cepina.

Klasični cepin


Kot že samo ime pove, se kombiniran cepin uporablja tako za pohodništvo kot tudi za plezanje lednih slapov in zimskih smeri zmernih težavnosti. Malce manj je primeren za dolge dostope zaradi krajšega ratišča. Ratišče pri tem cepinu je kar ukrivljeno, kar pomaga pri plezanju, da se s prsti ne udarimo v sneg, led ali skalo. Ta cepin ima tudi ročaj, ki pomaga, da nam olajša oprijem in se podlaket kasneje utrudi. Nekateri cepini imajo snemljive ročaje oziroma dele ročajev, da se cepin spremeni v klasičnega. Na dnu ratišča je zopet ostra konica, ki pomaga pri pikanju v sneg. Na vrhu ratišča je klin, ki je v večini primerov snemljiv in zamenljiv. Klin je pod agresivnim kotom, ki dodatno pomaga, da se os hitreje zapiči v podlago. Pri kombiniranih cepinih imamo poleg lopatice tudi kladivo, ki je namenjeno zabijanju plezalni in snežnih klinov. Včasih je bila poleg cepina nameščena zanka za zapestje. Sedaj se uporablja elastični trak, ki si ga pripnemo iz cepina na plezalni pas. Kombinirani cepini so istih velikosti in ponavadi ne moremo izbirati dolžin istega modela.

Kombinirani cepin


Plezalni cepin oziroma stroj, kot ga nekateri imenujejo, se uporablja za plezanje težjih skalnih, snežni ali kombiniranih smeri in slapov. Plezalni cepin sicer je primeren za dostope, vendar zaradi ukrivljenega ratišča in posebnega ročaja ni posebno primeren, saj ga ne moremo zapičiti v sneg, sploh če je ta malo pomrznjen. Bom povedal zakaj. Ratišče pri tem cepinu je močno ukrivljeno, prvič, da se s prsti ne dotikamo podlage in drugič, da ko visimo na cepinu, imamo zapestje stegnjeno in se s tem manj utrudimo. Nekateri ročaji so prilagodljivi, odvisno od posameznega modela. Ti ročaji tudi omogočajo več pozicij držanja in preprijemanja. Na dnu ratišča je tudi pri teh cepinih konica, ki nam pomaga, da se cepin vsaj malce zapiči v sneg. Na vrhu je klin, ki je postavljen pod agresivnim kotom in je zamenljiv. S temi cepini se uporabljajo kladiva zraven klinov, lopatke ponavadi ne. Lahko se udarimo po nosu z lopatko in še grdo je videti. S temi cepini se z elastičnimi trakovi vpnemo v plezalni pas.

Plezalni cepin

Sedaj ko poznamo vrste cepinov, pa je potrebno izbrati ta pravo dolžino. Pri plezalnih in kombiniranih cepinih istih modelov so mere ratišč iste. Pri klasičnih cepinih, pa so različne dolžine, glede na telesno višino. En način je tak, da primemo cepin za okel tako, da konica ratišča gleda proti pazduhi. Če je konica ravno pod pazduho je cepin prav dolg, če pa je stran od pazduhe oziroma čez, pa cepin ni pravih mer. Tako merjenje je bolj priporočljivo za moške, saj imajo ženske krajše roke. Drugi način je ta, da primemo okel in spustimo cepin poleg noge. Če je približno 10 – 15 cm nad gležnjem je ta pravi, če pa je čez gleženj oziroma je zelo nad gležnjem, pa seveda ni pravih mer za nas.

Pravilna izbira cepina

Upam, da sem s tem današnjim namigom pomagal pri sami izbiri cepina. Zima je pred vrati. Izkoristimo jo.

Do naslednjič.

Hello dear readers in a new clue of the week. Todays clue will be a little practical because i'll show you how to choose an ice axe. Many of you asked me, how to choose the right ice axe for them. The first answer is what kind of activity will be for and second, wich lenght.
There are three types od ice axes: clasical, combined and technical.


As shown below, an clasical ice axe has a straight or slightly curved shaft. A shaft is stick from bottom, to the top, where is a joint with a pick. Clasical ice axe is used for winter aproaches on the summits, for crossing a glacier or help to cross a snowfield in the summer. The shaft is round or egg shaped for better grip, but this depends on the manufacturer. At the bottom of the shaft there is a sharp tip, that allowes a better penetration trouhg the snow. At the top, there is a pick with an adze. A pick on the clasical ice axe in not curved that much for the use for walking and stopping on the snow. An adze is there for digging trough ice. Clasical ice axes are in diferent lenght, depends on the user. Beside an axe, there is a string, that can be wrap around a wrist and helps us that we can't drop or lose an axe.

Clasical ice axe


As the name is mentioned, this ice axe is used for walking and also for climbing a snow routes and waterfalls of moderate dificulties. This axe is less apropriate for long aproach because a shorter shaft. A shat is moderate curved that helps us at climbing, so our fingers don't come in contact with a surface. Some of combined ice axes has a different and interchangable handle, so it can be transformed into a clasical one. In the bottom of the shaft, there is a spike for penetrating trough a snow. At the top, there is a pick wich in most cases is replacable and is there at agresisve angle, so the axis can penetrate more trough a snow and ice. On combined ice axes there is an adze and a hammer to hit a wedge. Back in a while, there was a loop for a wrist, but today, we use an elastic strip wich can be secured on the climbing harness. Combined ice axes are normally the same lenghts and we can't choose a diferent lenghts of the same model.

Combined ice axe


Technical ice axe or the machine as some refferes to it is used for climbing some hardest routes of snow, rock and ice. This kind of ice axe is approprite for aproach, but because of the handrest and curved shaft, it can't poke trough frozen snow. I'll tell you why. The shaft is more curved than at combined ice axe because, first, our fingers are not in contact with a surface and second, when we hang on the handle, our wrist is straight and fatigue comes later. Some of the handles are intercangable, but it depends on the model. Those kind of handles allows the climber multiple positions of the hands. At the bottom of the shaft is a spike that allowes some penetration trough the snow. At the top, there is a pick wich is placed at agressive angle and it can be changed. With technical ice axes we use just a hammer on none. Adze isn't suitable because you can hit yourself in the nose and the ice axe is not looking great. We can strap an elastic strip on to climbing harness.

Technical ice axe

Now we know what type of ice axe to choose, but now we must know the propper lenght. As the combined and technical ice axe, the lenght of the same model of the shafts are the same. But on clasical ice axes the lenghts of the shafts are different, depends on the height of the user. One way is to hold by the pick and place a botom of the shaft under your armpit. If the spike is comfortable under the armpit, the lenght is OK, but if is shorter or longer, the lenght is not good. But this type of measuring is suitable for men, but not for women, because they have a shorter arms. Second typle of measuring is to hold the pick and lay it beside a leg. If the spike is about 10 – 15 cm above the ankle, the ice axe is OK, but if it's more than 15 cm above the ankle or below, the ixe axe in not the propper lenght.

How to choose a propper lenght

I hope that i was helpfull with this weeks clue and from now on you can choose your own ice axe. Winter is out there. Get o
ut there.

'till next time.

ponedeljek, 19. februar 2018

Namig no. 3

Pozdravljeni vsi zbrani ob malih ali še manjših zaslonih v novem namigu tedna. Še enkrat hvala za vzpodbudne besede, ki ste mi jih namenili preko sporočil. Se bom v sledeče trudil, da vam podam novih znanj in širim obzorje v svetu trail teka, plezanja, pohodništva in še kakega drugega športa.

V tem tednu zopet podajam vabilo na dogodek, ki prihaja v tem vikendu. Za vse, ki je bil 8 ur Slivnice prekratek, vabim na Ruthin tek, ki bo ta vikend, med 23 in 25.2.2018 na Bledu. Verjamem, da večina ta veledogodek poznate, a se morda najde kdo, ki pač še ni slišal za to. Ne obsojam nobenega. Gre za humanitarno, netekmovalno prireditev, ki jo organizira društvo Never give up. Kje se dogaja vse to? Na Bledu, točneje okoli Blejskega jezera v dolžini 6,6 km in nekaj malega višinskih metrov. Trasa je po večini asfaltirana, nekaj malega je makadama. Kdaj se vse to zgodi? Start samega teka ali pohoda je v petek, 23.2.2018 ob 17.00 uri in se konča v nedeljo 25.2.2018 ob 17.00 uri. Ja prav ste slišali, to traja 48 ur. Da ne bo pomote, ni potrebno ves čas teči ali hoditi. Kdorkoli lahko pride in naredi krog ali dva, lahko pa teče tudi vseh 48 ur. Veliko je družbe in prijetnih ljudi tako, da nisi nikoli sam. Na prireditvenem prostoru je stojnica z hrano in pijačo, ter velika tabla, kjer si pišeš opravljene kroge.

Ni več kaj za dodati. Najbolje bo, da klikneš na povezavo Never give up in si podrobneje ogledaš vse podrobnosti. Morda se vidimo tam in odtečemo kak krog skupaj.

Hvala za pozornost. Prosim, pusti komentar spodaj, če ti je bilo branje všeč.

Do naslednjič.

Hello for all my fans gathered at small and smaller screens in the new clue of the week. Thanks again for best wishes, which you sent to me by mesages. I'll try to deliver you some more new knowledge and to expand new horisonts in the world of trail running, hiking, climbing and some other sports.

In this week I would like to invite you again to an event that will took place in the following weekend. For all you out there that the event 8 hours of Slivnica was a little to short, you have an invitation to an event caled Ruths run, which will be this weekend, between the 23 and 25 of february, 2018 in Bled. I suposse, that most of you know the event, but maybe, there is someone that does not. I don't judge. This is a humanitarian and non competative run or hike, organised by society Never give up. Where will the event took place? In town Bled, more precisely around the lake of Bled, in the lenght of 6,6 km (4,1 miles) and a negligible vetrical gain. The surface in mostly pawement, and some gravel. When will be the event? Start of the run or hike in on friday, the 23 of february at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, 2018 and ends on sunday, the 25 of february, 2018 at 5 o'clock at the afternoon. Yeah, you heard it right, it lasts for 48 hours. But don't be oversighted, you don't have to run or hike for all the 48 hours. Everybody can come and do a lap or two or you can run for all the 48 hours. At the event place, there is a refreshment point with food and drinks, and a large board, where you can take track of your laps.

I think there is not much more to add. Just click on the Never give up web site and take a look for some aditional informations. Maybe we can see you there and we can run for a lap together.

Thanks for your atention. Please, leave a coment below if you think, that the content was OK.

Till next time.

Never give up in Ruthin tek 2018

ponedeljek, 12. februar 2018

Namig no. 2

Pozdravljen bralec in bralka v novem namigu tedna. Prejšnji teden je bila odskočna deska za vse nove namige, ki sledijo.

V današnjem namigu bom predstavil zanimiv dogodek, ki se dogaja na mojem domačem hribu. Gre za dogodek imenovan 8 ur Slivnice, ki bo prihajajoči vikend in sicer 17.2.2018 s startom ob 8.00 uri. Letos poteka že petič in glede na odzive, mislim, da bo to postala tradicija. Predvidevam, da večina že pozna ta dogodek, morda pa kdo ne in se bi mu to zdela dobra ideja za popestritev dneva. Gre za tek oziroma hojo iz Cerknice na Slivnico in nazaj dol, ter zopet gor in tako naprej, vseh 8 ur. Dolžina je 3,5 km in približno 500 višinskih metrov, na startu in cilju sta okrepčevalnici z različnimi dobrotami. Na koncu je potrebno seveda narediti samo še zadnji vzpon, ker se zadeva zaključi na vrhu. Trenutni rekord je 11 vzponov.
Vem, da ja za konkreten trening za to že prepozno, je pa zelo zabavno v pisani druščini isto mislečih.

Tako, da nič ne oklevat, skoči na spletno stran 8 ur Slivnice kjer najdeš vse potrebne informacije in tudi obrazec za prijavo.

To je bil namig tega tedna. Prosim, pusti komentar spodaj. Do naslednjič.

Hello dear readers in this week clue. Last week was a jumping start for all new clues.

In todays clue, i'll present you a interesting event, which it takes part in my hometown hill. It is called The 8 hours of Slivnica and it will take part in upcoming weekend on the 17th of february, 2018 with a start at 8'o clock in the morning. This year is the fifth edition and based on the response of the competitors, the event will became a tradicion. I suppose that many of you known the event, but someone do not, so the event will be an interesting thing to do. The point of this is a run or a hike from Cerknica up to Slivnica, and then go back down and again up, all this in the limits of 8th hours. Length of the trail is 3,5 km 82 miles) and approximatley 500 altitude meters (1640 ft) to pass. On the start and finish are two refresmentf points with a different goods to eat. The last time, the ascent is what counts, because the end is at the top. The record is 11 ascents at this moment.
I know, that for a real trainning is a bit to late, but on the event is much fun with a company of same mindset.

So, don't hessitate an click to web page 8 hours of Slivnica where you'll find all the informations and registration.

That was this weeks clue. Please leave a comment below. Untill next time.

8 ur Slivnice

ponedeljek, 5. februar 2018

Namig tedna, no. 1

Pozdravljen dragi bralec oziroma draga bralka.

S februarjem začenjam novo rubriko, ki se ji reče NAMIG TEDNA. V tej rubriki bom vsak teden predstavil nek majhen namig, ki bo v v obliki predloga za trening, nasvet oziroma priporočilo za obisk dogodka, kakšen motivacijski stavek in podobno. Ta rubrika bo stalna, ostale objave, ki so se bolj ali manj redno objavljale, pa bodo seveda ostale. Le migati bo treba.

Danes začnem z dvema motivacijskima stavkoma, ki naj vas spremljata pri vaših podvigih, ki ste si jih zastavili ali vas čakajo, da se jim posvetite.

Če misliš, da zmoreš ali, če misliš da ne zmoreš, imaš prav – Henry Ford

Ni važno kako počasi greš, važno da greš – Konfucij

Do naslednjega tedna in do naslednjega namiga.

And for our reades abroad, a hint of the week in english language.

Hello dear readers.

With the month of februar, i'm starting a new part in my blog, wich is a HINT OF THE WEEK. In this section i'll present some kind of exercise hint, a recommendation for an event, some motivationals words, etc. This part will be permanent, but the rest posts are here also.

I'll start with two motivationals quotes, that will escort you on your adventure or on adventure that will come.

If you think you can do it or you think you can't do it, you are right - Henry Ford

It does not matter how slowly you go as long you do not stop - Confucius

Till nex week and next hint.