ponedeljek, 26. marec 2018

Namig no. 8

Pozdravljeni bralci v tem tednu, ko zopet predstavim namig, ki lahko pomaga pri vašem vsakdanu. V tem tednu se bom posvetil kolesarjem saj se počasi začenja kolesarska sezona. No, v toplejših koncih naše male deželice kolesarske sezone skoraj ni konec, drugje, pa gre v krajše zimsko spanje. Navedel bom nekaj malih namigov, ki bodo prav prišli pred začetkom kolesarjenja. Navedel pa bom tudi en hud trik, ki je še posebej primeren za začetnike.

Če smo ob koncu prejšnje sezone kolo pustili viseti v garaži in ga nismo vsaj malo poservisirali, je sedaj idealen čas, da to storimo. Najprej kolo postavimo na tla in iz njega obrišemo prah, ki se je nabral čez zimo. Vizualno preverimo celo kolo, da ni kje kakšne poškodbe. Za začetek preverimo pnevmatike in ocenimo v kakšnem stanju so. Ali so preparele ali ne in kako so obrabljene. Če so, je čas za zamenjavo. Nato preverimo zračnice ali so preparele. Pregledamo še napere ali špice na kolesih. Z izvijačem gremo po vsaki in če imajo vse napere isti zvok, so OK. Razlog, da najprej pregledamo kolesa in pnevmatike je ta, ker vzamamo kolesa dol iz okvirja lahko premaknemo menjalnik.

Pregledamo še gibljive dele; oba menjalnika, zavore, ročice menjalnika in gonilko. Damo kolesa nazaj na okvir in zavrimo gonilko, da vidimo ali veriga lepo teče, brez neprijetnih, cvilečih zvokov. Vmes pritisnemo na zavore, da vidimo ali lepo zavirajo ter, da ni zavorna guma postala plastična. Preverimo še premikanje ročic menjalnika in smo končali.

Sedaj pa še tisti hud trik, ki sem ga omenjal. Če si začetnik in ne veš, kako se pregleda in servisira kolo ga raje pelji na servis, kjer ti ga pogledajo in po možnosti odpravijo napake. Ni tako težko in tudi ceneje je, kot servisiranje avtomobila.

To je bil ta namig in nasvet. Naj bo vreme toplo, klanec položen in veter naj piha v hrbet.
Do naslednjič

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Hello dear readers in this weeks clue, where i'll present you some new knoledge, which can help you in every day life. In this week, the word is around cycling, because a cycling season is about to come. Well, in the warmer places in our little country, the season has never ended, but some elsewhere the season has gone to winter sleep. I'll let you know some usefull tips which will come good before the cycling. And i'll let you know a hitt, which is great if you are a beginner.

When last season ended and we left our bike hanging in the garage and we didn't make a little servis, now this is a iedal time to do it. First thig to do it, to put down the bike and wipe the dust off. We take a look for some damage. For a start we take a look at the tires it they are worn out and if they are broke. If they are, we get some new ones. Then look at the tubes also if they wor out. Chesk the spoke of the rim. Take a thin metal tip and slightly tip to the spokes. If the souns is equal, the spokes are OK. The reason, to look first at the wheels, when we take down the wheels, we can move the rear transmition.

Then take a look at teh moving parts; both transmitions, breaks, transmition levers and the crankset. Put the wheels back on the frame and spin the wheels to see, if the chain runs smoothly, without any unpleasant noises. In between, hit the brakes to see if it brakes proper, and if the braknig gum did not become plastic. Check the movement of the transmition levers and we are done.

And now the trick that i've mentioned. If you are a beginner in this area and you don't know how to fix a bike, take it to the service, where they take a look at the bike and eliminate any potenital error. It's not that hard and is cheaper than service a car.

This was this clue and a hint. Let there be a warm weather, the ascent not that steep and the wind blows in the back.
Untill next time.

ponedeljek, 19. marec 2018

Namig no. 7

Pozdravljeni dragi bralci in predrage bralke v novem namigu tedna. Najprej dolg iz prejšnjega tedna in sicer žrebaje nagrajenca in oddaja knjige Neučakan optimist – Bill Gates s svojimi besedami.

In srečna izžrebanka je Mojca Koligar. Čestitke dobila si omenjeno knjigo, ki jo dobiš po pošti. Obilo užitka pri prebiranju.

In sedaj se lotimo novega namiga. Zima je še kar tukaj. Sicer koledarska zima bo kmalu prešla v pomlad, a vrhovi so še kar pobeljeni, prav tako gozdovi. Danes bom podal nekaj malih napotkov o teku v oziroma po snegu ter zaščiti opreme in obutve. Zasnežena in pobeljena pokrajina je romantična in čudovita, a se kaj kmalu lahko spremeni v trpljenje. Sneg je lahko suh in mokast, moker in težek ali steptan in pomrznjen. Najhuje je, ko se lahko podlaga spreminja in metra v meter. Iz prijetnega steptanega snega se lahko, sploh na spustih, spremeni v ledeno ploskev. Na nekaterih delih pa se že topi in je podlaga premočena in blatna.

Nekaj malega o opremi. Obleci se v plasti oziroma čebulo, saj se od znotraj potimo in pregrevamo, od zunaj pa pritiska mraz. Priporočljive so dolge nogavice, da dodatno zaščitimo noge. Na pozabi na rokavice in zaščiti glavo s kapo. Obutev v mrazu in mokrem pa seveda mora biti nepremočljiva. Gore tex membrana ali podobno je obvezen del zimske opreme. Če nimamo nepremočljive obutve si lahko pomagamo na nekaj načinov. Prvi je, da si omislimo sprej za impregnacijo in prešpricamo obutev. Nekaj malega bo zaščitilo, a če je obutev bolj na bazi mrežice to ne bo velik pomagalo. Naslednji trik je, da prižgemo svečo ter pokapljamo obutev z voskom. Vmes vosek zgladimo in vtremo v obutev. Garantirano, da ne premoči a tudi ne diha. Malce bolj čuden trik pa je, da imamo obute dvoje nogavice, vmes pa si damo tanko plastično vrečko. Obutev bo mokra, a noge bodo suhe.

Sedaj pa o samem teku. Vedno glej pred samo in pod noge. Podlaga se lahko konstantno spreminja. Stopaj na prste in nato na celotno stopalo. Delaj kratke korake. Za v hrib si pomagaj s palicami, če jih uporabljaš. Pri spustih pazi na poledenele dele, sploh pri strmih spustih, kjer je nevarnost zdrsa in s tem, da se odpelješ v dolino. Na ravninah, se pogosto zadržuje voda v luknjah in pod njo blato. Raje se ustavi ali zmanjšaj tempo ter pojdi naokrog, če je le mogoče. In nenazadnje, pazi na prezgodaj zbujene medvede.

Če imaš kak trik, ki ga uporabljaš za zaščito ali nasvet, ki sem ga morda izpustil, kar napiši spodaj v komentar. Naslednji teden se zopet beremo.

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Hello dear readers in a new clue of the week. First, a debt from last week and that is announcing a lucky winner who will get an copy of Impatient optimist – Bill Gates in his own words.

And the lucky winner is Mojca Koligar. Congratulations, you have recived this book, which you'll get it by mail. Plenty of joy while reading this book..

And now, lets go into new clue. Winter is still here. Well calendar winter will be soon over, and spring will be here, but some peaks are covered with snow, not to mention the forests. Today, i'll let you know some tips on running on or trough snow and some protection of your equipment. Snowy and white landscape can be romantic and beautifull, bau can also be pain in the ass. Snow can be dry and powdery, wet and hard or icey. The worst part is, that surface can change step by step. From hard surface, it can easy transform to ice, especially on descent. But somewhere the snow is melting and the surface is covered in water and mud.

Let's talk about equipment. You should put dress like an onion, that means that you should put more layers of chlotes, because we tend to sweat in the inside, while cold is freazing in the outside. Long socks are recomended, so we protect our feet a little bit more. Don't forget about a pair of gloves and hat. Waterproof shoes are a must in a cold and wet environment. Goer tex or similar material is mandatory part of winter equipment. If we don't have a waterproof shoes, we can help ourselfs with a few simple tricks. You can get a water repellent spray and spray your shoes. It'll do the job, but if it's to much mesh on your shoes, that won't do. Second trick that works is to lit a candle and pour the wax on your shoes and rub it in. Guarantied that is waterproof, but also air tight. Last trick is, that we have a two pairs of sock, and in between the socks we put a thick plastic bag. The shoes will get wet, but your feet will stay dry.

Now, we talk about running in the snow. Always look in fron of you and keep your eyes on your feets. The surface can change continuously. When you land your feet, first put your toes on the ground and then the whole sole. Do short steps. When going uphill, use a walking poles if you used them. On the descent, watch out for frozen parts of the surface, especialy on steep descent, where is danger of falling down and get a quick ride to the bottom. On the plains, where are some holes, the water is still there and underneeth is mud. Stop or reduce your speed and think of a way to get around. And finnaly, watch out for an early woken bears.

If you use some simmilar trick, that i forget to mention it, tell us your secret in the comment box. Next week, next clue.

ponedeljek, 12. marec 2018

Namig no. 6

Pozdravljeni dragi bralci v tem novem tednu, ki prinaša nov namig in nova znanja. Današnji 
namig je motivacijske narave, kjer bom navedel nekaj malih citatov svetovno znanega moža po imenu Bill Gates in mislim, da ne potrebuje posebne predstavitve. Danes pa nujno prebrat ves sestavek, saj se nekje skriva nagradna igra, kjer bom oddal zanimivo reč.

Bil Gates je optimist. Je vizionar. Je poslovnež. Je človekoljub. Pa še marsikaj bi se našlo.

Kaj pravi o vodenju zaposlenih:
Ljudje igrajo računalniške igrice v službi, a poleg tega čečkajo s svinčniki. Jim zato vzamete svinčnike? Sodobne delovne sile ne vodimo na ta način. Ljudem moramo zaupati.

Kaj o tveganju:
Ko moraš tvegati, je potrebno malce slepote. Pregnati moraš dvom in reči: „Lotili se bomo tega nepreverjenega izdelka. Potrudimo se po najboljših močeh.“

Kaj o napakah:
Na začetku smo naredili veliko korakov v napačno smer. Ker smo bili med prvimi, smo morali narediti več napak od drugih.

Sedaj pa nagradna igra. Podarjam knjigo Neučakani optimist – Bil Gates s svojimi besedami. Da dobiš knjigo je potrebno storiti naslednje. Malce pobrskaj po spletu ali kje drugje in najdi kak zanimiv citat od Bill-a Gates ter ga napiši spodaj v komentar. Med vsemi bom izžrebal enega ali eno, ki bo dobil knjigo. Časa pa je do naslednjega namiga.

Neučakani optimist - Bill Gates s svojimi besedami

Kaj pravi o uporabnikih:
Vaše najbolj nezadovoljne stranke so vaš najboljši vir učenja.

IT kot panoga:
Ta panoga se hitro spreminja in nihče nima zajamčenega položaja. Naš položaj mi je bolj všeč od drugih, a nikakor ni zajamčen.

Pa smo skupaj prišli do konca namiga tega tedna. Namig tega tedna nam daje upanje in smer, da smo vsi optimisti in moramo gledati v prihodnost, se učiti na naših napakah in nikoli ne odnehati.

Do naslenjič.

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Hello dear readers in this weeks clue, which brings new a new clue and a new knowledge. Todays clue has a motivational touch, where i'll let you know some quotes from a wolrd known man Bill Gates and i thik that he doesn't need some special presentation. Todays reading is a must, because there is a prize winning contest.

Biil Gates is an optimist. He is a visionary. He is a buisnessman. He is philantropist. And some more of that not to mention.

What he says about employee managment:
Peple plays video games at work, but beside that, they doodle with pencils. So, you take away their pencils? You can't leed modern work force in that way. They must be trusted.

What about risk:
When you have to take a risk, you must be a little bit blind. You must dispel the doubt and say: „We'll take on this untested product. Lets do our best.“

What about mistakes:
In the beginning we took a lots of steps in the wrong direction. Because we was the first, we had to make a many more mistakes than others.

And now the contest. I'll give away a free book caled Impatient optimist – Bill Gates in his own words (Slovenian version). If you want a book, you have to do these steps. Go online or somwhere else and find some interesting quote from Bill Gates. Than post it in the comment section. Among all the comment, i'll take a draw and one of you will get the book. You have time untill next clue.

Impatient optimist – Bill Gates in his own words

What about users:
Your most unsetisfied costumers are the best learning source.

IT as industry:
This industry changes a lot and no one has guaranteed job position.I like our position better, but certainly not guaranteed.

So we came to the end of this weeks clue. This weeks clue give us hope and guidance that all of us are optimists and we must look in the future, learn on our mistakes and never give up.

Untill next time

ponedeljek, 5. marec 2018

Namig no. 5

Pozdravljeni dragi bralci v tem namigu tedna. Nekaj namigov je že za nami, ogromno pa jih še bo. Glede na to, da smo že v mesecu marcu in bo sezona za aktivnosti na prostem kaj kmalu tu, sem spravil skupaj kratek sestavek o eni res osnovni vaji. Reče se ji statična drža oziroma po angleško „plank“. Vaja je primerna za krepitev centra našega telesa oziroma notranjih trebušnih mišic.
Pa saj delam trebušnjake“ bo kdo pomislil. Ja, trebušnjaki so za zunanje mišice, statična drža pa stabilizacijo. Po domače povedano, odpravlja posledice sedenja in nam daje pokončno držo.
Poznamo dve različici plus nešteto variacij. Statično držo z iztegnjenimi rokami in statično držo z oporo na komolcih. Prva je malce lažja za začetnike.

Kako ji izvedemo: postavimo se kot pri položaju za skleco. Dlani so na tleh, v širini ramen, komolci so rahlo pokrčeni, Ramena so nad dlanmi in so zaklenjena. Rahlo spustimo lopatice, trup je poravnan, boki in kolena so iztegnjeni. Prste na nogah imamo na tleh, v širini bokov. Pri tej vaji gre za statično vajo, to pomeni, da samo držimo ta položaj, kolikor časa je mogoče. Med vajo normalno dihamo. Če začutimo rahlo bolečino v predelu križa, trup malce dvignemo.
Če je vaja še pretežka, oziroma je ne moremo izvajati več kot 10 sekund, vajo izvedemo tako, da imamo kolena na tleh.

Statična drža z iztegnjenimi rokami

Najpogostejše napake:
  • vrat ni iztegnjen, pač pa glava visi proti tlom
  • komolci so popolnoma iztegnjeni
  • trup ni poravnan, pač pa so boki obrnjeni proti tlom

Statična drža, za malce napredne pa je vaja z oporo na komolcih. Vse velja isto, le komolce imamo pokrčene na tleh, podlahti pa so vzporedno s tlemi.

Statična drža na komolcih

Še nekaj koristnih napotkov. Vajo izvajamo najmanj 10 sekund. Ko se telo začne tresti, poizkusimo zdržati še malo, saj s tem večamo vzdržljivost. Da se dobiti tudi programe, po katerih treniramo in se izboljšujemo.

Upam, da je napotek tega tedna prišel prav. Za tiste, ki to redno izvajajo, je samo osvežitev, za tiste, ki pa jo bodo začeli, pa le pogumno naprej.

Hello dear readers in this weeks clue. Few of a hints are behind us, but a many more a yet to come. We are already in the month of march and the season of outdoor activities will be soon here. I've put together a little piece of content of a one basic exercise. It's named a plank and is suitable for strenghtening of our core or internal abdominal muscles.
But i'm doing some sit-ups“ will anybody said to himslef. Yes, but sit-ups are for external muscles, but plank is for stabilization of the body. In other words, it eliminate the causes of sitting and gives a stand up posture.
There are two versions and countles variations. A plank with straight arms and a plank with bended elbows. The first one is suitable for beginners.

How to do it: the start point is like in push-ups. Palms are facing he floor, in a shoulder width, the elbovs are slightly bendt. Shoulders are above the palms and they are locked. We slightly lover the scapula, torso is extended, the hips and knees are extended too. The toes are in contact with the floor, in hip width. In this exercise we are not in movement, but we just hold on that position static as long as possible. During the exercise we breath normaly. If a slight pain is happening in our lower back, we lift the torso a little bit.
If the exercise is still hard or we can hold on more than 10 seconds, we put our knees on the floor.

Straight arms plank

Common mistakes:
  • the neck is not streighten, but the head hangs down
  • the elbowes are completly extended
  • the torso is not pararel with the floor, the hips are bended

A plank for advanced is an exercise with an elbows on the floor. The exercise is the same, but elbows are bended, laying on the floor, forearms are parallel with the floor, facing foward.

Elbow plank

Just a few helpfull hints. We hold on durring an exercise for al leats 10 seconds. If the body begins to shake, we continue a little bit longer, in this way we increase our stamina. Some programs can be recived and we can continue and improve ourselfs.

I hpoe that this weeks clus was helpfull. For those whose exercise is constant is just a refreshment, but for those who is starting, keep up the good work.