ponedeljek, 19. februar 2018

Namig no. 3

Pozdravljeni vsi zbrani ob malih ali še manjših zaslonih v novem namigu tedna. Še enkrat hvala za vzpodbudne besede, ki ste mi jih namenili preko sporočil. Se bom v sledeče trudil, da vam podam novih znanj in širim obzorje v svetu trail teka, plezanja, pohodništva in še kakega drugega športa.

V tem tednu zopet podajam vabilo na dogodek, ki prihaja v tem vikendu. Za vse, ki je bil 8 ur Slivnice prekratek, vabim na Ruthin tek, ki bo ta vikend, med 23 in 25.2.2018 na Bledu. Verjamem, da večina ta veledogodek poznate, a se morda najde kdo, ki pač še ni slišal za to. Ne obsojam nobenega. Gre za humanitarno, netekmovalno prireditev, ki jo organizira društvo Never give up. Kje se dogaja vse to? Na Bledu, točneje okoli Blejskega jezera v dolžini 6,6 km in nekaj malega višinskih metrov. Trasa je po večini asfaltirana, nekaj malega je makadama. Kdaj se vse to zgodi? Start samega teka ali pohoda je v petek, 23.2.2018 ob 17.00 uri in se konča v nedeljo 25.2.2018 ob 17.00 uri. Ja prav ste slišali, to traja 48 ur. Da ne bo pomote, ni potrebno ves čas teči ali hoditi. Kdorkoli lahko pride in naredi krog ali dva, lahko pa teče tudi vseh 48 ur. Veliko je družbe in prijetnih ljudi tako, da nisi nikoli sam. Na prireditvenem prostoru je stojnica z hrano in pijačo, ter velika tabla, kjer si pišeš opravljene kroge.

Ni več kaj za dodati. Najbolje bo, da klikneš na povezavo Never give up in si podrobneje ogledaš vse podrobnosti. Morda se vidimo tam in odtečemo kak krog skupaj.

Hvala za pozornost. Prosim, pusti komentar spodaj, če ti je bilo branje všeč.

Do naslednjič.

Hello for all my fans gathered at small and smaller screens in the new clue of the week. Thanks again for best wishes, which you sent to me by mesages. I'll try to deliver you some more new knowledge and to expand new horisonts in the world of trail running, hiking, climbing and some other sports.

In this week I would like to invite you again to an event that will took place in the following weekend. For all you out there that the event 8 hours of Slivnica was a little to short, you have an invitation to an event caled Ruths run, which will be this weekend, between the 23 and 25 of february, 2018 in Bled. I suposse, that most of you know the event, but maybe, there is someone that does not. I don't judge. This is a humanitarian and non competative run or hike, organised by society Never give up. Where will the event took place? In town Bled, more precisely around the lake of Bled, in the lenght of 6,6 km (4,1 miles) and a negligible vetrical gain. The surface in mostly pawement, and some gravel. When will be the event? Start of the run or hike in on friday, the 23 of february at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, 2018 and ends on sunday, the 25 of february, 2018 at 5 o'clock at the afternoon. Yeah, you heard it right, it lasts for 48 hours. But don't be oversighted, you don't have to run or hike for all the 48 hours. Everybody can come and do a lap or two or you can run for all the 48 hours. At the event place, there is a refreshment point with food and drinks, and a large board, where you can take track of your laps.

I think there is not much more to add. Just click on the Never give up web site and take a look for some aditional informations. Maybe we can see you there and we can run for a lap together.

Thanks for your atention. Please, leave a coment below if you think, that the content was OK.

Till next time.

Never give up in Ruthin tek 2018

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