ponedeljek, 26. marec 2018

Namig no. 8

Pozdravljeni bralci v tem tednu, ko zopet predstavim namig, ki lahko pomaga pri vašem vsakdanu. V tem tednu se bom posvetil kolesarjem saj se počasi začenja kolesarska sezona. No, v toplejših koncih naše male deželice kolesarske sezone skoraj ni konec, drugje, pa gre v krajše zimsko spanje. Navedel bom nekaj malih namigov, ki bodo prav prišli pred začetkom kolesarjenja. Navedel pa bom tudi en hud trik, ki je še posebej primeren za začetnike.

Če smo ob koncu prejšnje sezone kolo pustili viseti v garaži in ga nismo vsaj malo poservisirali, je sedaj idealen čas, da to storimo. Najprej kolo postavimo na tla in iz njega obrišemo prah, ki se je nabral čez zimo. Vizualno preverimo celo kolo, da ni kje kakšne poškodbe. Za začetek preverimo pnevmatike in ocenimo v kakšnem stanju so. Ali so preparele ali ne in kako so obrabljene. Če so, je čas za zamenjavo. Nato preverimo zračnice ali so preparele. Pregledamo še napere ali špice na kolesih. Z izvijačem gremo po vsaki in če imajo vse napere isti zvok, so OK. Razlog, da najprej pregledamo kolesa in pnevmatike je ta, ker vzamamo kolesa dol iz okvirja lahko premaknemo menjalnik.

Pregledamo še gibljive dele; oba menjalnika, zavore, ročice menjalnika in gonilko. Damo kolesa nazaj na okvir in zavrimo gonilko, da vidimo ali veriga lepo teče, brez neprijetnih, cvilečih zvokov. Vmes pritisnemo na zavore, da vidimo ali lepo zavirajo ter, da ni zavorna guma postala plastična. Preverimo še premikanje ročic menjalnika in smo končali.

Sedaj pa še tisti hud trik, ki sem ga omenjal. Če si začetnik in ne veš, kako se pregleda in servisira kolo ga raje pelji na servis, kjer ti ga pogledajo in po možnosti odpravijo napake. Ni tako težko in tudi ceneje je, kot servisiranje avtomobila.

To je bil ta namig in nasvet. Naj bo vreme toplo, klanec položen in veter naj piha v hrbet.
Do naslednjič

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Hello dear readers in this weeks clue, where i'll present you some new knoledge, which can help you in every day life. In this week, the word is around cycling, because a cycling season is about to come. Well, in the warmer places in our little country, the season has never ended, but some elsewhere the season has gone to winter sleep. I'll let you know some usefull tips which will come good before the cycling. And i'll let you know a hitt, which is great if you are a beginner.

When last season ended and we left our bike hanging in the garage and we didn't make a little servis, now this is a iedal time to do it. First thig to do it, to put down the bike and wipe the dust off. We take a look for some damage. For a start we take a look at the tires it they are worn out and if they are broke. If they are, we get some new ones. Then look at the tubes also if they wor out. Chesk the spoke of the rim. Take a thin metal tip and slightly tip to the spokes. If the souns is equal, the spokes are OK. The reason, to look first at the wheels, when we take down the wheels, we can move the rear transmition.

Then take a look at teh moving parts; both transmitions, breaks, transmition levers and the crankset. Put the wheels back on the frame and spin the wheels to see, if the chain runs smoothly, without any unpleasant noises. In between, hit the brakes to see if it brakes proper, and if the braknig gum did not become plastic. Check the movement of the transmition levers and we are done.

And now the trick that i've mentioned. If you are a beginner in this area and you don't know how to fix a bike, take it to the service, where they take a look at the bike and eliminate any potenital error. It's not that hard and is cheaper than service a car.

This was this clue and a hint. Let there be a warm weather, the ascent not that steep and the wind blows in the back.
Untill next time.

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