ponedeljek, 19. marec 2018

Namig no. 7

Pozdravljeni dragi bralci in predrage bralke v novem namigu tedna. Najprej dolg iz prejšnjega tedna in sicer žrebaje nagrajenca in oddaja knjige Neučakan optimist – Bill Gates s svojimi besedami.

In srečna izžrebanka je Mojca Koligar. Čestitke dobila si omenjeno knjigo, ki jo dobiš po pošti. Obilo užitka pri prebiranju.

In sedaj se lotimo novega namiga. Zima je še kar tukaj. Sicer koledarska zima bo kmalu prešla v pomlad, a vrhovi so še kar pobeljeni, prav tako gozdovi. Danes bom podal nekaj malih napotkov o teku v oziroma po snegu ter zaščiti opreme in obutve. Zasnežena in pobeljena pokrajina je romantična in čudovita, a se kaj kmalu lahko spremeni v trpljenje. Sneg je lahko suh in mokast, moker in težek ali steptan in pomrznjen. Najhuje je, ko se lahko podlaga spreminja in metra v meter. Iz prijetnega steptanega snega se lahko, sploh na spustih, spremeni v ledeno ploskev. Na nekaterih delih pa se že topi in je podlaga premočena in blatna.

Nekaj malega o opremi. Obleci se v plasti oziroma čebulo, saj se od znotraj potimo in pregrevamo, od zunaj pa pritiska mraz. Priporočljive so dolge nogavice, da dodatno zaščitimo noge. Na pozabi na rokavice in zaščiti glavo s kapo. Obutev v mrazu in mokrem pa seveda mora biti nepremočljiva. Gore tex membrana ali podobno je obvezen del zimske opreme. Če nimamo nepremočljive obutve si lahko pomagamo na nekaj načinov. Prvi je, da si omislimo sprej za impregnacijo in prešpricamo obutev. Nekaj malega bo zaščitilo, a če je obutev bolj na bazi mrežice to ne bo velik pomagalo. Naslednji trik je, da prižgemo svečo ter pokapljamo obutev z voskom. Vmes vosek zgladimo in vtremo v obutev. Garantirano, da ne premoči a tudi ne diha. Malce bolj čuden trik pa je, da imamo obute dvoje nogavice, vmes pa si damo tanko plastično vrečko. Obutev bo mokra, a noge bodo suhe.

Sedaj pa o samem teku. Vedno glej pred samo in pod noge. Podlaga se lahko konstantno spreminja. Stopaj na prste in nato na celotno stopalo. Delaj kratke korake. Za v hrib si pomagaj s palicami, če jih uporabljaš. Pri spustih pazi na poledenele dele, sploh pri strmih spustih, kjer je nevarnost zdrsa in s tem, da se odpelješ v dolino. Na ravninah, se pogosto zadržuje voda v luknjah in pod njo blato. Raje se ustavi ali zmanjšaj tempo ter pojdi naokrog, če je le mogoče. In nenazadnje, pazi na prezgodaj zbujene medvede.

Če imaš kak trik, ki ga uporabljaš za zaščito ali nasvet, ki sem ga morda izpustil, kar napiši spodaj v komentar. Naslednji teden se zopet beremo.

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Hello dear readers in a new clue of the week. First, a debt from last week and that is announcing a lucky winner who will get an copy of Impatient optimist – Bill Gates in his own words.

And the lucky winner is Mojca Koligar. Congratulations, you have recived this book, which you'll get it by mail. Plenty of joy while reading this book..

And now, lets go into new clue. Winter is still here. Well calendar winter will be soon over, and spring will be here, but some peaks are covered with snow, not to mention the forests. Today, i'll let you know some tips on running on or trough snow and some protection of your equipment. Snowy and white landscape can be romantic and beautifull, bau can also be pain in the ass. Snow can be dry and powdery, wet and hard or icey. The worst part is, that surface can change step by step. From hard surface, it can easy transform to ice, especially on descent. But somewhere the snow is melting and the surface is covered in water and mud.

Let's talk about equipment. You should put dress like an onion, that means that you should put more layers of chlotes, because we tend to sweat in the inside, while cold is freazing in the outside. Long socks are recomended, so we protect our feet a little bit more. Don't forget about a pair of gloves and hat. Waterproof shoes are a must in a cold and wet environment. Goer tex or similar material is mandatory part of winter equipment. If we don't have a waterproof shoes, we can help ourselfs with a few simple tricks. You can get a water repellent spray and spray your shoes. It'll do the job, but if it's to much mesh on your shoes, that won't do. Second trick that works is to lit a candle and pour the wax on your shoes and rub it in. Guarantied that is waterproof, but also air tight. Last trick is, that we have a two pairs of sock, and in between the socks we put a thick plastic bag. The shoes will get wet, but your feet will stay dry.

Now, we talk about running in the snow. Always look in fron of you and keep your eyes on your feets. The surface can change continuously. When you land your feet, first put your toes on the ground and then the whole sole. Do short steps. When going uphill, use a walking poles if you used them. On the descent, watch out for frozen parts of the surface, especialy on steep descent, where is danger of falling down and get a quick ride to the bottom. On the plains, where are some holes, the water is still there and underneeth is mud. Stop or reduce your speed and think of a way to get around. And finnaly, watch out for an early woken bears.

If you use some simmilar trick, that i forget to mention it, tell us your secret in the comment box. Next week, next clue.

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